Hello Everyone,
I do not know what it looks like from your end as students and as parents, but right now I am having trouble with the Gradebook form on Infinite Campus. It is not loading correctly for me, which means I cannot put grades into it.
Until our wonderful and busy Technology Department can help, I will be keeping grades on my own. I doubt this will take more than a day or two (everyone is really helpful around here), but if you have any questions about your grades, email me instead. I will let you know what I have.
In other news, we had our first assembly today, and it was fantastic. The kids had a great time, there was plenty of music and games, they were respectful and listened to all the announcements, and when it was finished, we all went outside for the remainder of the afternoon to get some sunshine and enjoy the freedom.
Have a safe and excellent weekend, and I will see everyone again on Monday! Remember, if you didn't finish your persuasive essay on rules in class, it's due at the start of class.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. DeMaris
The gradebook is back up again; I will post all the updated grades soon.