This week's standard is L.8.1: "Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking."
Our focus is on parts A and B:
"Explain the function of verbals (gerunds, participles, infinitives) in general and their function in particular sentences."
"Form and use verbs in the active and passive voice."
This week's story selection is "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert Service (1907). A link to a reading by Johnny Cash is included below.
Monday——Make a list!
Quickly review last week’s skills as needed, introduce the story selection and Words of the Week, and take a skills prequiz. The Words of the Week are the words you must be able to
spell, identify parts of speech for, and define by Thursday. This week, they are:
brawn (n.)
grisly (adj.)
hearken (v.)
homely (adj.)
scowl (n.) and (v.)
Once we cover these items, students may read "The Cremation of Sam McGee," this week's story selection. It is a poem by Robert W. Service about an unfortunate southerner who travels north in search of gold.
Tuesday——Time for work!
skills and story selection for the week. Students who demonstrated
proficiency in the skills on the content prequiz may sit in the back of
the room today and read the story selection as a group, then answer questions about it collectively. The
majority of students will take notes on the skills and practice their
use individually and as a class.
This week, we discuss verbals and verb voice.
is writing day in Language Arts. Answer a series of questions about the story selection. The Wednesday Write will always relate to both the skills
and the story selection. For full credit, use and identify a gerund, a participle, an infinitive, and active and passive voice in your answers. You may write a short story with a surprise ending for more credit.
Thursday——Think it over!
the first ten minutes of class, take the Thursday Think, a quiz on the
Words of the Week; use it to spell, identify part of speech for, and
define each word. After that, review the Wednesday Write as a class. In the remaining time, review verbals and verb voice in preparation for the Friday Finish.
complete the Friday Finish, a review or quiz on the week’s skills and
the story selection. Then, write a letter to Mr. DeMaris about your
week; this Week in Review letter is only graded on completion, not
on grammar or spelling.* Once complete, you may Review and Improve any
missing or inadequate work. If you have none, you may read or write
quietly or help a classmate with his or her work.
Each week is graded as follows:
Ten (10) points apply to the … … Wednesday Write.
Fifteen (15) points apply to the … … Thursday Think.
Twenty (20) points apply to the … … Friday Finish.
Five (5) points apply to the … … Week in Review letter.
is a total of fifty (50) points per week. Extra assignments may be
added or adjusted as negotiated by individual students and the teacher.
Mr. DeMaris
*——Mr. DeMaris always encourages proper spelling and grammar, though—— so try!