Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Welcome to Clan Barclay!

Hello Everyone,

     The new year is about to begin, and for all of you, this means the transition into eighth grade, your last step before entering high school. You will have many challenges this year, including maintaining your personal responsibility for all assignments at school; we expect you to meet these challenges with maturity and respect.

     We are Clan Barclay. Our clan leader is Mrs. Davis, the math teacher. The rest of us are Mr. Menard, for science; Mr. Robertson, for Social Studies; and Mr. DeMaris, for Language Arts. We are a dedicated clan, and we believe strongly in personal student responsibility both in and out of the classroom. Each of us has his or her own teaching style, but we care very deeply for the success of our students, and we expect you to work your best to honor that.

     Our clan motto is "Aut Agere Aut Mori," which, reasonably translated from the Latin, means "Do or Die." We work very hard to make our assignments and lessons understandable and accessible to you, the students, and we strive for success in all aspects of our professional lives. In return, we expect you to embrace the motto with equal vigor. School is your training for adult responsibility and education, and the lessons you learn here will have a direct and meaningful impact on the rest of your lives. You have no reason to give up on your education, and we expect you to try your hardest at all times. If you struggle and cannot solve your own problem, recognize your limitations and seek help. Your classmates and your teachers are here. Asking for help is not the same as giving up, and we respect students who can honestly assess their skills. "Do or Die" means you should fight for your success and find it despite any obstacles.

     We continue to explore new laws and new opportunities here at Bonny Eagle Middle School, and we will continue to communicate any important news throughout the year. In return, we hope you will communicate clearly with us about any questions or concerns you may have, or any obstacles you face that may impact your experience here at Bonny Eagle. We cannot solve problems if we do not know they exist, and communication should travel two ways. Personal responsibility means respectfully communicating concerns as well as compliments, and addressing consequences, both good and bad, for any actions. You are at the top of the middle school now, soon to enter high school, and you should be mature enough to recognize and accept responsibility for your work and actions.

     Welcome to Clan Barclay. We look forward to working with you this year.


Mr. DeMaris