Monday, October 23, 2017

This Week

Good afternoon!

     This week is atypical in a few different ways. First, Mrs. Schoenfeld is out all week chaperoning the Fall Girls Pathfinders, so if you cannot reach her… that is why.

     Ms. Lund will be out on Tuesday chaperoning the Girls Engineering trip to UMaine in Orono — a few of our girls will spend all day on campus learning about engineering and the opportunities they can find.

     Wednesday will be a two-hour delay for students (staff have meetings and trainings), so expect busses at 8:30 if they usually come at 6:30; the official school day starts at 9:10 instead of the usual 7:10.

     On Thursday, Mr. DeMaris will be out chaperoning the Boys Engineering trip to UMaine in Orono — it's like the trip for girls, but for the boys! Thursday night is the first production of the drama club's play from 7:00 – 9:00 on the stage in Lowlands Gym. See you there!

     Finally, Friday during Advisory students will walk against bullying; if you have an orange shirt, bring it and wear it. Friday night is the second and last production of the drama club's play; same time and place as on Thursday.

     If you have any questions, email, call, or comment, and we will get back to you!

Mr. DeMaris

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